@extends('layouts.main') @section('title', 'Editable Datatable') @section('content') @push('head') @endpush
{{ __('CellEdit') }} {{ __('plugin allows cells within a DataTable to be editable. When a') }} cell {{ __('is click on, an input field will appear. When focus is lost on the input and the underlying DataTable object will be updated and the table will be redrawn. The new value is passed to a callback function, along with its row, allowing for easy server-side data updates.') }}

{{ __('Example:') }}

{{ __('Read CellEdit') }} {{ __('documentation') }} .
{{ __('ejbeaty') }}

{{ __('Editable Data Table') }}

{{ __('First Name') }} {{ __('Last Name') }} {{ __('DOB') }}
{{ __('Elliott') }} {{ __('Beaty') }} {{ __('01/14/2011') }}
{{ __('Joe') }} {{ __('Dirt') }} {{ __('01/14/2004') }}
{{ __('John') }} {{ __('Doe') }} {{ __('01/14/2003') }}
{{ __('Jane') }} {{ __('Doe') }} {{ __('01/11/2001') }}
{{ __('Billy') }} {{ __('Bob') }} {{ __('02/14/1947') }}
{{ __('Bobby') }} {{ __('Axlerod') }} {{ __('01/27/2001') }}
{{ __('Elliott') }} {{ __('Beaty') }} {{ __('01/13/2007') }}
{{ __('Joe') }} {{ __('Dirt') }} {{ __('01/14/2001') }}
{{ __('John') }} {{ __('Doe') }} {{ __('01/14/2001') }}
{{ __('Jane') }} {{ __('Doe') }} {{ __('01/14/2001') }}
{{ __('Billy') }} {{ __('Bob') }} {{ __('01/14/2001') }}
{{ __('Bobby') }} {{ __('Axlerod') }} {{ __('01/14/2001') }}
@push('script') @endpush @endsection